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207 S Point St, Depoe Bay, OR 97341




Is industrial hemp the same as marijuana?
They are distinctly different varieties, even though they are both Cannabis sativa L., Industrial hemp is the non-psychoactive, untraceable THC, mostly oilseed and a variety of fibers of the Cannabis sativa plant. Hemp is completely different from marijuana in its chemical makeup, cultivation methods, and its applications.
Can smoking hemp get you high?
No, the THC level is so low in hemp that it is impossible for you to get high from smoking it. Hemp contains another chemical called CBD (Cannabidiol) that blocks the effectiveness of the THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) chemical. Under .3% is Legal Limit for THC in Industrial Hemp.
Is hemp cbd good for dogs or cats?
Hemp CBD derived oil, sprays, and or treats are completely fine for your dogs or cats. Every 10 lbs is equivalent to 1-5mg dosage for your pets.
Is CBD oil good for pain and inflammation?
Yes, CBD oil is known to help people that suffer from chronic pain, inflammation, and overall discomfort related to a variety of health conditions. CBD can offer an alternative for people who have chronic pain and rely on medications, such as opioids, that can be habit-forming and cause more side effects.
Is CBD oil bad for athlets?
No, Athletes use it for their bodies to fight fatigue, muscle pain, and overall recuperation. Athletes are at higher risk than the average individual for injury because their bodies are put through tremendous stress, daily. CBD oil can help decrease recovery time and relieve pain.

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